Check out the March 2023 edition of The Panther’s Post!

Extra! Extra! Read all about it! The March 2023 edition of The Panther’s Post is now available, and it is completely student-produced. From the writing to the photo sourcing and the creation of the design, this newspaper is a testament to the talent and dedication of our students.

Click here to read the March 2023 Panther’s Post

This edition features articles on a variety of topics, including a piece on Principal Debbie, an exploration of different learning styles, and updates on sports and music at our school.

The Panther’s Post gives our students an opportunity and platform to showcase their skills and passions. Whether they’re interested in journalism, design, or any other aspect of media production, The Panther’s Post provides an opportunity to hone their talents and share their perspectives with the wider school community.

We are incredibly proud of our students and their achievements! This is just one example of the many ways in which they demonstrate their creativity, innovation, and leadership. We encourage everyone to take a look at the March 2023 edition and see for themselves the incredible work our students have accomplished.

Congratulations to the staff of The Panther’s Post for their hard work and dedication in producing this fantastic newspaper. We look forward to seeing what they have in store for us in future editions!