Rabbi Arthur Schneier Park East Day School is thrilled to announce the arrival of several new students for the 2021-2022 school year. Some of the new students recently gathered with Debbie Rochlin, Principal, and Temima Feldman, Head of School, to share their experiences so far and their hopes for the year ahead.

Ariel, who is in fourth grade and recently moved to New York with his family from Israel, said that the transition has been a great experience: “All of the children have welcomed me.” Aviva, who is in second grade, said that she was initially nervous to come to Park East, but also excited, as her older sister is a fifth-grade student here. Yosef, who is also in second grade, was excited to start at a new school. He likes that RASPEDS has a school nurse, as his previous school did not have one.
Eitan and Ivri, twin brothers in the fifth grade, are eager to improve their math skills and increase their typing speed in computer class, as well as to learn Hebrew. They said that so far, they love math and computers here at Park East. Fifth-grade student Audra is enjoying having different teachers for different subjects and feels she is learning more. Her favorite subject is language arts.
Siblings Debi and Danielle are in sixth and eighth grade, respectively. Debi, who previously attended Hebrew School at Park East Synagogue, is excited to have more Hebrew and Judaic studies incorporated into her school day. Danielle mentioned that while she was hesitant to start at a new school in the eighth grade, she was excited to attend the same school as her sister, and has no regrets. “I chose Park East because of its warm environment… The teachers and kids have been really welcoming.”
When asked how they would describe Park East in one word, the students said: welcoming, warm, nice, imaginative, fun, cozy, friendly and sweet. We are so happy they are here!